Vzdělávací centrum MKM s.r.o.

Level 1 Award in Wines ONLINE

​4 weeks online guided study split into 6 modules including revision

Course activities:
tasting area, multiple choice feedback tests, discussions and videos

students are free to complete the modules at their own pace during this 4-week window

included in the online course. Students don’t need a physical textbook.

​Student access:
students have access for 1 year which includes the scheduled 4 weeks of guided study. Please note that students have read-only access after the course finish date.

Revise and recap the course content:
students are advised to schedule a minimum of 1 hour of private study before sitting the Level 1 examination.

approximately one week after the end of the course. It will be held face to face in Brno.

Price: 4200 CZK

Application form: WSET application form
Please download the application form, complete it and email it to info@mkm.cz

​Terms in 2024 :

​15.4 - 12.5.2024 (deadline for application form: 22.3.2024)
exam: 23.5.2024 (Brno) - if necessary the date may change

29.4 - 26.5.2024 (deadline for application form: 5.4.2024)
exam: 6.6.2024 (Brno) - if necessary the date may change

27.5 - 23.6.2024 (deadline for application form: 3.5.2024)
exam: 4.7.2024 (Brno) - if necessary the date may change

​24.6 - 21.7.2024 (deadline for application form: 31.5.2024)
exam: 1.8.2024 (Brno) - if necessary the date may change

​22.7 - 18.8.2024 (deadline for application form: 28.6.2024)
exam: 29.8.2024 (Brno) - if necessary the date may change

​The course will be based around a 4-week, 6 module online learning programme with educator support available for this time. The course modules should be followed in sequential order during this 4-week window. The course material should take about 6 hours in total to complete, plus revision time. Regular access and participation in the course online activities is essential for this mode of study.

The course prepares the student for our qualifications and they are guided by a WSET educator. The student can contact the educator any time for the duration of the scheduled course, should they have any questions. Each module includes a series of independent activities to help students understand the differences between grape varieties and types and styles of wine.

Students should be advised to taste a range of wines during their studies. All the required wines for the course can be found in the online Equipment List. Any additional wines can be found in the Specification. Students can post their tasting notes in the Online Classroom for review by the educator.

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